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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Cloud time again?

No... there still isn't any news on the Azure invitiation front.

Instead, this is a post about the fact that I'm probably going to have to resort to using some S3 storage for my current project. The reason? I've done my sums and it's needed!

According to my current estimates... it's not going to be unusual for one of my users to require 50MB of storage... so if I have 100 users... then I'll need 5GB... and if I get to 10000 users.... then I'll need 500GB. Based on this, it's definitely time to change my storage model - and (since Azure won't let me play) then that means it's now time for Amazon S3.

And the best place to start looking at this seems to be... three sharp - - looks like a really good project from - thanks guys  :)

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