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Monday, January 26, 2009

More Azure run and deployment problems

I have continued on with my Azure deployment and it is now almost up and running....

Along the way I hit:
Parser Error Message: Initialization of data service structures (tables and/or blobs) failed!The most probable reason for this is that the storage endpoints are not configured correctly. Please look at the configuration settings in your .cscfg and Web.config files. More information about this error can be found in the logs when running inside the hosting environment or in the output window of Visual Studio.

Solution> The reason behind this was my config files - fixed it by changing my config files to


      <Setting name="AccountName" value="stacka"/>

      <Setting name="AccountSharedKey" value="zT+Q1IX6--- the big long key from my stack storage account - marked primary ---zUoE4ireQ=="/>

      <Setting name="BlobStorageEndpoint" value=""/>

      <Setting name="TableStorageEndpoint" value=""/>

      <Setting name="QueueStorageEndpoint" value="" />

      <Setting name="allowInsecureRemoteEndpoints" value="true"/>


Note that the Endpoint names do *not* include stacka - the Microsoft samples library code adds the stacka  in from the account name - confusing huh?

Then I hit:

InternalServerError - Only one VIP swap per tenant at a time is allowed  InternalServerError - Only one VIP swap per tenant at a time is allowed

And I 'm still stuck on this - hopefully Microsoft will come along and unlock my account soon :o-

I've also found out how to use my own domain name with Azure ( - I use something called a CNAME record in my DNS settings - all very simple to do through the RedFox Hosting control panel :)

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