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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Changing YetAnotherForum to display time as "x minutes ago"

This really demonstrates the beauty of open source!

I've got a lot of international visitors to - so I wanted to avoid time zone specific times (yes - I know YAF does let each user customise the time zone, but that doesn't really help when I get so many guests through)

So ... I decided to adopt the facebook/twitter approach - to listing times like "23 seconds ago" and "in the last week".

It was remarkable easy to change. Here's the main new code:

        /// <summary>

        /// Formats a datetime value into "friendly terms" - let's hope this works!

        /// the date is yesterday or today -- in which case it says that.

        /// </summary>

        /// <param name="o">The datetime to be formatted</param>

        /// <returns>Formatted string of DateTime object</returns>

        public string FormatDateTimeTopic(object o)


            //string strDateFormat;

            DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(o) +TimeOffset;

            DateTime nt = DateTime.Now+TimeOffset;


            TimeSpan diff = nt - dt;

            double totalSeconds = diff.TotalSeconds;

            double totalMinutes = diff.TotalMinutes;

            double totalHours = diff.TotalHours;

            double totalDays = diff.TotalDays;




                if (totalSeconds < 15.0)


                    return GetText("MomentsAgo");


                if (totalSeconds < 100.0)


                    return string.Format(GetText("SecondsAgo"), totalSeconds);


                if (totalMinutes < 100.0)


                    return string.Format(GetText("MinutesAgo"), totalMinutes);


                else if (totalHours < 10.0)


                    return string.Format(GetText("HoursAgo"), totalHours);


                else if (totalDays < 1.0)


                    return GetText("InTheLastDay");


                else if (totalDays < 2.0)


                    return string.Format(GetText("ADayAgo"), totalDays);


                else if (totalDays < 30.0)


                    return string.Format(GetText("DaysAgo"), totalDays);




                    return dt.Date.ToString("dd MMM yy");



            catch (Exception)


                return dt.ToString("f");




Old code was:

            /// <summary>

            /// Formats a datatime value into 07.03.2003 00:00:00 except if

            /// the date is yesterday or today -- in which case it says that.

            /// </summary>

            /// <param name="o">The datetime to be formatted</param>

            /// <returns>Formatted string of DateTime object</returns>

            public string FormatDateTimeTopicOld( object o )


                  string strDateFormat;

                  DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime( o ) + TimeOffset;

                  DateTime nt = DateTime.Now + TimeOffset;




                        if ( dt.Date == nt.Date )


                              // today

                              strDateFormat = String.Format( GetText( "TodayAt" ), dt );


                        else if ( dt.Date == nt.AddDays( -1 ).Date )


                              // yesterday

                              strDateFormat = String.Format( GetText( "YesterdayAt" ), dt );


                        else if ( BoardSettings.DateFormatFromLanguage )


                              strDateFormat = dt.ToString( GetText( "FORMAT_DATE_TIME_SHORT" ) );




                              strDateFormat = String.Format( "{0:f}", dt );


                        return strDateFormat;


                  catch ( Exception )


                        return dt.ToString( "f" );




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