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Monday, January 21, 2013

Introduction to the new "Swiss" Binding Syntax


The syntax in this post was from the prototype.

We've now fixed on a new slightly different syntax - which is basically:

    Target Source.Path.Here, Converter=name, ConverterParameter=value, FallbackValue=value

You can see this in use in

More details in a more detailed blog post "coming soon"...



As I'm sure many of you know, binding in MvvmCross is declared using JSON syntax - parsed using the PCL version of the wonderful JSON.Net

I love this JSON binding syntax - as it's reliable, robust, easy to learn, and because it gave me a powerful parser (including things like character escaping) for "free".

However, over the last few months, there have been a few suggestions about ways to make the binding syntax more readable for MvvmCross on Droid and Touch 

A couple of us - @opendix and myself - have taken these ideas and evolved them into a prototype - into "Swiss Binding".

This prototype is available today within the vNext MvvmCross tree.

In it, you can choose to switch the binding syntax from:

                  'Converter':'Converter Name 1',
                  'ConverterParameter1':'Converter Parameter 1', // a quoted-string, Int64, double, or bool
                  'FallbackValue':'FallbackValue1', // a quoted-string, Int64, double, or bool
                  // etc


    TargetName1 * Source.Property.Path1 
          Converter='Converter Name 1',
          ConverterParameter='Converter Parameter 1',
          FallbackValue='Fallback Value 1'

Where the * is a choice between:

- although there is also the option to use (Mode=BindingModeName) instead if you prefer not to use these symbol shortcuts.


To show you the effect of this, let's look at some sample code.

The TipView bindings in JSON are:

in Swiss these bindings become:

or you could use spaces to specify default binding if you wanted to - in which case the above example becomes:


Similarly in Droid a xml, the switch would be from things like:


or (if you are happy using default binding modes) just to:

If you want to experiment with this… then:

  • You can do this quickly and easily using a line in your app initialisation like:

  • You will need to switch your entire project over to the new format - you can't mix old and new.

An example project using this syntax is TwitterSearch - check out both Touch and Droid in


What if I have some feedback?
What if I don't like this syntax?
  • If you don't like it… then don't use it!
  • The old reliable, well-documented JSON syntax is still available
  • Or you could quite quickly write your own syntax too… the source is there if you want to try and Dependency Injection gives you an easy way to inject your implementation…


  1. Looks convenient. Thank you.

  2. Much more readable, great! I suppose you mistyped the arrow for OneWayToSource binding, without reading any code I think it shoul be >. Am I right?

    1. Thanks... yes, probably... although there is a bit of a problem with using < and > inside XML - so I'm really interested to see if anyone has any other ideas...
