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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

N=1: TipCalc - a second example - adding IoC and the Xamarin Android Designer (N+1 days of MvvmCross)

Following on from yesterday's first app, today we build a Tip Calculation app for WindowsPhone, Xamarin.Android, WindowsStore and Xamarin.iOS

This walkthrough provides a second example of using the MvvmCross Nuget packages to create a new app.

It repeats many of the steps from yesterday, but also adds:
  • the use of IoC to create a Service and to automatically inject that Service into the ViewModel constructor
  • the use of Slider (Windows), UISlider (iOS), and SeekBar (Android) in databinding
  • some simple use of the Android designer to create a UI - you'll quickly see that I'm not a power user of this designer :)

The code is up on:

To use this code, users will need to:

The video is:

Sorry about the indecision between int's and double's at 4 minutes in :) Not feeling very decisive this morning!

For a longer (and slightly-out-of-date) TipCalc tutorial, try

Previously in N+1:

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