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Friday, June 07, 2013

IoC and ServiceLocation in v3 - a brain dump....

Two key ideas that are use in MvvmCross are:
  • the Service Locator pattern
  • Inversion of Control

There are lots of articles and introductions available on this - some good starting places are Martin Fowler's introduction and Joel Abrahamsson's IoC introduction. I've also made some animated slides as a simple demonstration.

Specifically within MvvmCross, we provide a single static class Mvx which acts as a single place for both registering and resolving interfaces and their implementations.


Service Location - Registration and Resolution

The core idea of MvvmCross Service Location is that you can write classes and interfaces like:
    public interface IFoo
         string Request();

    public class Foo : IFoo
        public string Request()
            return "Hello World";


Singleton Registration

With this pair written you could then register a Foo instance as a singleton which implements IFoo using:
    // every time someone needs an IFoo they will get the same one
    Mvx.RegisterSingleton<IFoo>(new Foo());
If you did this, then any code can call:
    var foo = Mvx.Resolve<IFoo>();
and every single call would return the same instance of Foo


Lazy Singleton Registration

As a variation on this, you could register a lazy singleton. This is written
    // every time someone needs an IFoo they will get the same one
    // but we don't create it until someone asks for it
    Mvx.RegisterSingleton<IFoo>(() => new Foo());
In this case:
  • no Foo is created initially
  • the first time any code calls Mvx.Resolve<IFoo>() then a new Foo will be created and returned
  • all subsequent calls will get the same instance that was created the first time


'Dynamic' Registration

One final option, is that you can register the IFoo and Foo pair as:
    // every time someone needs an IFoo they will get a new one
    Mvx.RegisterType<IFoo, Foo>();
In this case, every call to Mvx.Resolve<IFoo>() will create a new Foo - every call will return a different Foo.

Last-registered wins

If you create several implementations of an interface and register them all:
    Mvx.RegisterType<IFoo, Foo1>();
    Mvx.RegisterSingleton<IFoo>(new Foo2());
    Mvx.RegisterType<IFoo, Foo3>();
Then each call replaces the previous registration - so when a client calls Mvx.Resolve<IFoo>() then the most recent registration will be returned.

This can be useful for:
  • overwriting default implementations
  • replacing implementations depending on application state - e.g. after a user has been authenticated then you could replace an empty IUserInfo implementation with a real one.


Bulk Registration by Convention

The default NuGet templates for MvvmCross contain a block of code in the core App.cs like:
This code uses Reflection to:
  • find all classes in the Core assembly
    • which are creatable - i.e.:
      • have a public constructor
      • are not abstract
    • with names ending in Service
  • find their interfaces
  • register them as lazy singletons according to the interfaces they support

Technical Note> the lazy singleton implementation here is quite technical - it ensures that if a class implements IOne and ITwo then the same instance will be returned when resolving both IOne and ITwo.

The choice of name ending here - Service - and the choice to use Lazy singletons are only personal conventions. If you prefer to use other names or other lifetimes for your objects you can replace this code with a different call or with multiple calls like:
There you can also use additional Linq helper methods to help further define your registrations if you want to - e.g. Inherits, Except. WithAttribute, Containing, InNamespace ... e.g.
And you can also, of course, use the same type of registration logic on assemblies other than Core - e.g.:
Alternatively, if you prefer not to use this Reflection based registration, then you can instead just manually register your implementations:
        Mvx.RegisterSingleton(new MyMixer());
        Mvx.RegisterSingleton(new MyCheese());
The choice is your's

Constructor Injection

As well as Mvx.Resolve, the Mvx static class provides a reflection based mechanism to automatically resolve parameters during object construction.

For example, if we add a class like:
    public class Bar
        public Bar(IFoo foo)
            // do stuff
Then you can create this object using:
What happens during this call is:
  • MvvmCross:
    • uses Reflection to find the constructor of Bar
    • looks at the parameters for that constructor and sees it needs an IFoo
    • uses Mvx.Resolve() to get hold of the registered implementation for IFoo
    • uses Reflection to call the constructor with the IFoo parameter


Constructor Injection and ViewModels

This "Constructor Injection" mechanism is used internally within MvvmCross when creating ViewModels.

If you declare a ViewModel like:
     public class MyViewModel : MvxViewModel
         public MyViewModel(IMvxJsonConverter jsonConverter, IMvxGeoLocationWatcher locationWatcher)
            // ....

then MvvmCross will use the Mvx static class to resolve objects for jsonConverter and locationWatcher when a MyViewModel is created.

This is important because:
  1. It allows you to easily provide different locationWatcher classes on different platforms (on iPhone you can use a watcher that talk to CoreLocation, on WindowsPhone you can use a watcher that talks to System.Device.Location
  2. It allows you to easily provide mock implementations in your unit tests
  3. It allows you to override default implementations - if you don't like the Json.Net implementation for Json, you can use a ServiceStack.Text implementation instead.


Constructor Injection and Chaining

Internally, the Mvx.Resolve mechanism uses constructor injection when new objects are needed.

This enables you to register implementations which depend on other interfaces like:
     public interface ITaxCalculator
         double TaxDueFor(int customerId)

     public class TaxCalculator
         public TaxCalculator(ICustomerRepository customerRepository, IForeignExchange foreignExchange, ITaxRuleList taxRuleList)
             // code...

         // code...
If you then register this calculator as:
     Mvx.RegisterType<ITaxCalculator, TaxCalculator>();
Then when a client calls Mvx.Resolve<ITaxCalculator>() then what will happen is that MvvmCross will create a new TaxCalculator instance, resolving all of ICustomerRepository IForeignExchange and ITaxRuleList during the operation.

Further, this process is recursive - so if any of these returned objects requires another object - e.g. if your IForeignExchange implementation requires a IChargeCommission object - then MvvmCross will provide Resolve for you as well.


How do I use IoC when I need different implementations on different platforms?

Sometimes you need to use some platform specific functionality in your ViewModels. e.g. for example, you might want to get the current screen dimensions in your ViewModel - but there's no existing portable .Net call to do this.

When you want to include functionality like this, then there are two main choices:
  1. Declare an interface in your core library, but then provide and register an implementation in each of your UI projects.
  2. Use or create a plugin


1. PCL-Interface with Platform-Specific Implementation

In your core project, you can declare an interface and you can use that interface in your classes there - e.g.:
    public interface IScreenSize
        double Height { get; }
        double Width { get; }

    public class MyViewModel : MvxViewModel
        private readonly IScreenSize _screenSize;

        public MyViewModel(IScreenSize screenSize)
             _screenSize = screenSize;

        public double Ratio
            get { return (_screenSize.Width / _screenSize.Height); }
In each UI project, you can then declare the platform-specific implementation for IScreenSize - e.g. a trivial example is:
    public class WindowsPhoneScreenSize : IScreenSize
        public double Height { get { return 800.0; } }
        public double Width { get { return 480.0; } }
You can then register these implementations in each of the platform-specific Setup files - e.g. you could override MvxSetup.InitializeFirstChance with
    protected override void InitializeFirstChance()
        Mvx.RegisterSingleton<IScreenSize>(new WindowsPhoneScreenSize());
With this done, then MyViewModel will get provided with the correct platform specific implementation of IScreenSize on each platform.


2. Use or create a plugin

A Plugin is an MvvmCross pattern for combining a PCL assembly, plus optionally some platform specific assemblies in order to package up some functionality.

This plugin layer is simply a pattern - some simple conventions - for naming related Assemblies, for including small PluginLoader and Plugin helper classes, and for using IoC. Through this pattern it allows functionality to be easily included, reused and tested across platforms and across applications.

For example, existing plugins include:
  • a File plugin which provides access to System.IO type methods for manipulating files
  • a Location plugin which provides access to GeoLocation information
  • a Messenger plugin which provides access to a Messenger/Event Aggregator
  • a PictureChooser plugin which provides access to the camera and to the media library
  • a ResourceLoader plugin which provides a way to access resource files packaged within the .apk, .app or .ipa for the application
  • a SQLite plugin which provides access to SQLite-net on all platforms.

Plugin Use 

 If you want to see how these plugins can be used in your applications, then:

Plugin Authoring 

 Writing plugins is easy to do, but can feel a bit daunting at first.

The key steps are:
  1. Create the main PCL Assembly for the plugin - this should include:
    • the interfaces your plugin will register
    • any shared portable code (which may include implementations of one or more of the interfaces)
    • a special PluginLoader class which MvvmCross will use to start the plugin
  2. Optionally create platform specific assemblies which:
    • is named the same as the main assembly but with a platform specific extension (.Droid, .WindowsPhone, etc(
    • contains
      • any platform specific interface implementations
      • a special Plugin class which MvvmCross will use to start this platform-specific extension
  3. Optionally provide extras like documentation and nuget packaging which will make the plugin easier to reuse.

I'm not going to go into any more detail on writing plugins here.

If you'd like to see more about writing your own plugin, then:


What if...


What if... I don't want to use Service Location or IoC

If you don't want to use this in your code, then don't.

Simply remove the CreatableTypes()... code from App.cs and then use 'normal code' in your ViewModels - e.g.:
     public class MyViewModel : MvxViewModel
         private readonly ITaxService _taxService;

         public MyViewModel()
             _taxService = new TaxService();


What if... I want to use a different Service Location or IoC mechanism

There are lots of excellent libraries out there including AutoFac, Funq, MEF, OpenNetCF, TinyIoC and many, many more!

If you want to replace the MvvmCross implementation, then you'll need to:
  • write some kind of Adapter layer to provide their service location code as an IMvxIoCProvider
  • override CreateIocProvider in your Setup class to provide this alternative IMvxIoCProvider implementation.
Alternatively, you may be able to organise a hybrid situation - where two IoC/ServiceLocation systems exist side-by-side.


What if... I want to use Property Injection as an IoC mechanism

There is an example Property Injection implementation for IoC provided.

This can be initialised using a Setup override of:
  protected override IMvxIoCProvider CreateIocProvider()
      return MvxPropertyInjectingIoCContainer.Initialise();


What if... I want advanced IoC features like child containers

The IoC container in MvvmCross is designed to be quite lightweight and is targeted at a level of functionality required in the mobile applications I have built.

If you need more advanced/complex functionality, then you may need to use a different provider or a different approach - some suggestions for this are discussed in: Child containers in MvvmCross IoC


Note: this article is part of the v3 attempt to get MvvmCross documentation produced. If you'd like to help with this work, please say hello on - we need you!


  1. Hi!

    Great explanation indeed! Looks pretty like Win32 API development to fit all the possible situations. :)

    I've got a question related to IoC performance though... Posted it here:

    1. Thanks. I've replied... but to be honest it feels like you were asking about some non-specific future imaginary situation and it's very hard to answer a question about some unknown problem that might one day hit one app... It's a personal thing - I just feel I've got enough real problems already, without worrying about ones which might come up in the future. If and when one of my apps has a performance problem, then hopefully I'll have just made sure that I know I have put myself in a position to optimise it as and when I need to. Stuart

    2. Thank you for your long answer on stackoverflow, but as for me you've got my question not really in a correct way (unless, I was not fully clear).
      The question was about "how do you consider mvvmcross performance?"
      You could have answered just like "Not really. We don't have any deep considerations on that as the first thing we are care about is 'developers convenience'". :)

    3. I'm afraid "how do you consider mvvmcross performance?" is a very open and ambiguous sentence.

      My answer included "we're aware that parts of the platform do add a level of overhead - but we've worked hard to make sure it isn't a large one" which tells you that we do care deeply and think upfront to make sure that we are not writing poorly-performing code.

      My answer included "we've worked hard to make sure almost everything can be overridden in the platform so that you can optimise later if you need to - if your app wants to hand-tune IoC registration it can - your app doesn't have to use reflection." which tells you that developers can override any behaviour if they consider it to perform too poorly.

      We do care about our library and we do write the code in a way that gives the app-developers the choice about how to develop. Our general philosophy is that we don't worry about lots of micro-optimisations up-front, but that we do provide the options so that the app-developers can write very good code to start with can can then optimise later when they need to.

      This approach might mean that bad developers are more likely to make rubbish apps, but it also means that good developers are more likely to make good apps. I don't really care about the bad developers - they will make bad apps anyway.

    4. Sure. I absolutely agree with this: "Our general philosophy is that we don't worry about lots of micro-optimisations up-front, but that we do provide the options so that the app-developers can write very good code to start with can can then optimise later when they need to". I am not trying to doubt that you are really care about good project...
      However, if you check ServiceStack docs (I guess, you were even mentioning this framework in some of your projects explanations):, then you will see the following: "ServiceStack uses a slightly modified version of Funq - which was adopted because of its excellent performance and memory characteristics." which considers that there are more "excelent" and sometimes less ones (and not just because of "good" or "bad" developers, but just because different strategies used) frameworks in performance meaning. So this is why I was asking about that.
      And as the discussion continues, it shifts strictly to the idea "... whether MvvmCross performance effective?", which I was not even going to touch. I was just talking about IoC on app startup/initialization, as there is still no any "standard" in its implementation, and different developers write different code (see above the link with Funq).

    5. If you want to use the Funq style of registration - you can - it's available as `void RegisterSingleton(Func theConstructor)`

      Sorry. I don't have time to continue this conversation about a non-problem.

      Good luck with your apps.


    6. That was not a talk about Funq. But seems that there are some "tricks" in our understanding each other.

      Anyway, I've got an answer for myself.
      Thanks again!


  2. Big applause for Stuart Lodge!

    You're building something that will make the future of app development environment for crossplatform .Net...chapeau!

  3. Just a suggestion on IoC implementation. If application is rather complex, doing constructor injection could be expensive, especially if there are many constructor parameters to be resolved by Ioc and some of there are interdependent. I'd recommend you to implement a typed factory pattern, so once its resolved, only needed members are delivered and exactly when needed. (LinkL )
