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Sunday, June 29, 2014

3.2.1-beta1 - beta universal support

I've pushed a first attempt at 3.2.1-beta1 to nuget :)

This build is very much beta at present... I expect it'll have a few issues - so please do report them as you find them... we'll get the updates out there...

The main feature of this 3.2.1-beta1 build includes some marvellous WindowsCommon support - for Jupiter WindowsPhone Xaml with Windows 8.1 Xaml.

This is especially thanks to:

- the lovely who's working at who have been pioneering lots of amazing shared code Jupiter apps
- the fab who makes the brilliant and the rest of the team who work on my music player of choice -

The support means you now must use a "new profile" like Profile 259 or Profile 78 to get working... don't blame me for this... blame Microsoft :/

If you want to try this Jupiter code, then you can now try building a Universal WindowsPhone/WindowsStore app - using the new Universal projects - using the new "WindowsCommon" assemblies inside a PCL of profile 32. I don't have any samples of this at present - but I'd love to hear more about your experiments with this - I'm interested in hearing more about your experience with this new unified Microsoft platform!

This 3.2.1-beta1 update also includes some attempts at getting Symbols uploaded for nuget too - but this isn't quite finished yet...

OK... that's all from me for now... good luck with the updates :)


PS: This 3.2.1-beta1 build doesn't include any Xam.Forms support - has pushed a fab sample about that to - beyond that Xamarin have also said there are some Mvx/Forms combination samples coming, but I don't have any inside info on these.

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