Thursday, July 25, 2013

Xamarin 4.8 Stable... not sure....

If any MvvmCross get asked today if they want to upgrade to 4.8, then my advice is "wait"

Unfortunately, if you do a fresh install on a Mac, then try the sequence "File->New->Portable Class Library" then that library will not build. The build gives lots of errors about "predefined type XXX is not defined or imported"

I think this will probably be easy to fix - it will probably be down to the PCL reference assemblies - but until some brave leading-edge adventurers have worked this out, then it might be wise to "wait" and not to install the 4.8.0 version

 Hopefully soon this will get resolved - then we can async/await :) :) :)

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Map Annotation DataBinding

From my answer to

Subscribing to changing collections is one of the corner-stones of Data-Binding and relies on a little knowledge of the INotifyCollectionChanged interface.

Within the MvvmCross source, there are a few example classes which show how to subscribe to collections and their change notifications - e.g. MvxViewGroupExtensions.cs in Droid and MvxTableViewSource.cs in Touch

The core to the technique is to create an Adapter or Source object which listens for changes either in the whole list or to parts of the list and which takes action accordingly.

The same type of approach applies for maps with multiple - but markers - although we don't yet have any helper classes for this.

Without actually having a Mac or iOS device to hand, here are roughly the steps I'd take to create a wrapper...

Assuming I had a Model object like:

public class House
    public double Lat { get; set; }
    public double Lng { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

Inside a ViewModel like:

public class FirstViewModel : MvxViewModel
    public ObservableCollection HouseList { get; set; }

With this done, then in the View we can create an annotation class for each House - e.g. something like:

public class HouseAnnotation : MKAnnotation
    public HouseAnnotation(House house)
        // Todo - the details of actually using the house here.
        // in theory you could also data-bind to the house too (e.g. if it's location were to move...)

    public override CLLocationCoordinate2D Coordinate { get; set; }

We could then create a HouseAnnotationManager who's responsibility would be to manage the translation of changes in the HouseList being mapped to changes in the annotations being displayed on the map.

To do this, we would give the manager methods to:
  1. Create a single annotation:

    private MKAnnotation CreateAnnotation(House house)
        return new HouseAnnotation(house);
  2. Add an annotation to the map (and to a local lookup table)

    private void AddAnnotationFor(House house)
        var annotation = CreateAnnotation(house);
        _annotations[house] = annotation;
  3. Remove an annotation from the map (and from a local lookup table)

    private void RemoveAnnotationFor(House house)
        var annotation = _annotations[house];
  4. Do the same actions for lists:

    private void AddAnnotations(IList newItems)
        foreach (House house in newItems)
    private void RemoveAnnotations(IList oldItems)
        foreach (House house in oldItems)
  5. Respond to INotifyCollection changes:

    private void OnItemsSourceCollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
        switch (e.Action)
            case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add:
            case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove:
            case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace:
            case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Move:
                // not interested in this
            case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset:
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
  6. Respond to whole list changes:

    // MvxSetToNullAfterBinding isn't strictly needed any more 
    // - but it's nice to have for when binding is torn down
    public virtual IEnumerable ItemsSource
        get { return _itemsSource; }
        set { SetItemsSource(value); }
    protected virtual void SetItemsSource(IEnumerable value)
        if (_itemsSource == value)
        if (_subscription != null)
            _subscription = null;
        _itemsSource = value;
        if (_itemsSource != null && !(_itemsSource is IList))
                                  "Binding to IEnumerable rather than IList - this can be inefficient, especially for large lists");
        var newObservable = _itemsSource as INotifyCollectionChanged;
        if (newObservable != null)
            _subscription = newObservable.WeakSubscribe(OnItemsSourceCollectionChanged);
With this all written, then your ViewModel can have a private _manager field and can create and data-bind it as:

        _manager = new HouseAnnotationManager(myMapView);

        var set = this.CreateBindingSet();
        set.Bind(_manager).To(vm => vm.HouseList);

Overall, this might look something like:

Disclaimer: this code hasn't been compiled let alone run, but the approach is basically correct (I think)

The same basic approach should also work in Android - although in Android you'll also have to fight a battle against the setup - Ant, Google Play v2 and all that jazz.

If you wanted to do further map manipulations - e.g. changing the map center and zoom when a house is added, then this can obviously be done from within overrides of methods such as AddAnnotation within your manager.

The full gist is:

// an abstract helper class
public abstract class MvxAnnotationManager
private readonly MKMapView _mapView;
private IEnumerable _itemsSource;
private IDisposable _subscription;
public Dictionary<object, MKAnnotation> _annotations = new Dictionary<object, MKAnnotation>();
protected MvxAnnotationManager(MKMapView mapView)
_mapView = mapView;
// MvxSetToNullAfterBinding isn't strictly needed any more
// - but it's nice to have for when binding is torn down
public virtual IEnumerable ItemsSource
get { return _itemsSource; }
set { SetItemsSource(value); }
protected virtual void SetItemsSource(IEnumerable value)
if (_itemsSource == value)
if (_subscription != null)
_subscription = null;
_itemsSource = value;
if (_itemsSource != null && !(_itemsSource is IList))
"Binding to IEnumerable rather than IList - this can be inefficient, especially for large lists");
var newObservable = _itemsSource as INotifyCollectionChanged;
if (newObservable != null)
_subscription = newObservable.WeakSubscribe(OnItemsSourceCollectionChanged);
protected virtual void OnItemsSourceCollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
switch (e.Action)
case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add:
case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove:
case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace:
case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Move:
// not interested in this
case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset:
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
protected virtual void ReloadAllAnnotations()
_mapView.RemoveAnnotations(_annotations.Values.Select(x => (NSObject)x).ToArray());
if (_itemsSource == null)
protected abstract MKAnnotation CreateAnnotation(object item);
protected virtual void RemoveAnnotations(IEnumerable oldItems)
foreach (var item in oldItems)
protected virtual void RemoveAnnotationFor(object item)
var annotation = _annotations[item];
protected virtual void AddAnnotations(IEnumerable newItems)
foreach (object item in newItems)
protected virtual void AddAnnotationFor(object item)
var annotation = CreateAnnotation(item);
_annotations[item] = annotation;
// example use
public class House
public double Lat { get; set; }
public double Lng { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public class FirstViewModel : MvxViewModel
public ObservableCollection<House> Houses { get; set; }
public class HouseAnnotationManager
: MvxAnnotationManager
public HouseAnnotationManager(MKMapView mapView) : base(mapView)
protected override MKAnnotation CreateAnnotation(object item)
var house = item as House;
return new HouseAnnotation(item);
public class HouseAnnotation : MKAnnotation
public HouseAnnotation(House house)
// use house here...
// in theory you could also data-bind to the house too (e.g. if it's location were to move...)
public override CLLocationCoordinate2D Coordinate { get; set; }
public class FirstView : MvxViewController
private HouseAnnotationManager _manager;
public override void ViewDidLoad()
View = new UIView(){ BackgroundColor = UIColor.White};
var myMapView = new MKMapView(View.Frame);
myMapView.Delegate = new MyMapDelegate(); // standard map delegate - must provide the annotation views
_manager = new HouseAnnotationManager(myMapView);
var set = this.CreateBindingSet<FirstView, FirstViewModel>();
set.Bind(_manager).For(m => m.ItemsSource).To(vm => vm.HouseList);

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

MvvmCross 3.0.10 binaries released to nuget, GitHub and skydrive

3.0.10 is a fairly small release - just a few small patches to 3.0.9 from 10 days ago.

I really hope this might be the last release before we switch to Xamarin official PCLs - I might even label those releases 3.1.x

The list of 3.0.10 changes is:
  • minor nuspec file fix - ResourceLoader now availble for WPF
  • a DataContext is now non-virtual everywhere - this may be a breaking change for anyone who was overriding it in their tableviewcells, in an MvxView or in a MvxFrameControl. The recommended solution for the breaking change is to use Binding for all DataContext changes.
  • UIDatePicker now has a "Time" binding - can be used to bind to  a TimeSpan - see ApiExamples project for use
  • In order to support textbox to decimal number binding (see #350), we've changed the binding layer so that:
    1. source (viewModel) bindings do not update the ViewModel if the new value Equals the existing value
    2. for the specific cases of double, float and decimal source values the target bindings do a text-numeric equivalent comparison before setting the UI
  • Fixed "whole object" binding which was broken in 3.0.9 by the Tibet binding changes - the workaround for this in 3.0.9 was to use a period "." for the whole object path (see
  • Minor changes to design time helpers for Visibility and Color
  • Fixed the MvxPickerViewModel to allow its choice list to be updated dynamically (#354)
  • Groups of Bindings can now be removed from a BindingContext using a ClearKey. To specify the ClearKey for FluentBinding, use the `.WithClearBindingKey(key)` extension (linked to and #358)

I've run this build against our unit tests (more still needed), against a significant chunk of the MvvmCross-Tutorials samples, and against some 'new project' tests. All seemed good :) Hopefully this release hasn't broken too much .... as I'm off on holiday real soon :)

Monday, July 22, 2013

Playing with Constraints - FluentConstraints and FluentLayouts for Xamarin.iOS

Update: code now fully shared at

If you've watched any of the N+1 series - - then you'll no doubt have seen me writing a lot of repetitive, error-prone layout code like:

       var textView = new UITextField(new RectangleF(10, 100, 300, 30));
       textView.InputView = picker;
       var label = new UILabel(new RectangleF(10, 130, 300, 30));

All of this repetitive, error-prone layout code was... of course... unnecessary.  The problem was that I am a dinosaur and sometimes it takes me time to learn what I should be doing...

iOS6 is now almost a year old - and part of iOS6 was a new layout system called constraints. The basic idea behind these constraints is that it allows you to specify relationships between the layouts of UIView objects and their attribute values- so that you can, for example, ask one view to set its Top equal to the Bottom of another view. When you do this, then iOS/UIKit will then try to work out the layout for you at runtime.

I've been playing with these today and they are fabulous - especially when coupled with the power of C# - expect to see more of them in my demos soon!

One gist of code that really makes this lovely is Frank's Easy Layout DSL - see

This expression based library let's you use simple C# statements to define your layout - it's best summarised by code - see his picture which shows how to layout a button and a text box:

For my experiments I decided to see if I could create a Fluent-style API for the same type of effect. I've nothing against the 'Easy Layout DSL' - I just wanted to learn the constraints for myself, plus I wanted to see if using a Fluent approach gave me more composability and reusability.

What I wanted to do was to see if I could define Frank's 'text and button' layout using Fluent code like:

                    text.AtLeftOf(View, hPadding),
                    text.ToLeftOf(button, hPadding),

It turned out that it took a bit longer than I had hoped - there were a few gotchas along the way, mainly to do with "TranslateAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints" - but within a couple of hours I had this working :)

And once I had that working, I then started to play....

What would a form layout look like?

    fNameLabel.AtTopOf(View, vMargin),
    fNameLabel.AtLeftOf(View, hMargin),
    fNameLabel.ToLeftOf(sNameLabel, hMargin),
    sNameLabel.AtRightOf(View, hMargin),
    fNameField.Below(fNameLabel, vMargin),
    numberLabel.ToLeftOf(streetLabel, hMargin),
    numberLabel.Below(fNameField, vMargin),
    numberLabel.WithRelativeWidth(streetLabel, 0.3f),
    streetLabel.AtRightOf(View, hMargin),
    numberField.Below(numberLabel, vMargin),
    townLabel.Below(numberField, vMargin),
    townField.Below(townLabel, vMargin),
    zipLabel.Below(townField, vMargin),
    zipField.Below(zipLabel, vMargin),
    debug.AtBottomOf(View, vMargin)
... although I think there are some opportunities to shorten that code and perhaps also to use some code-based hints too!

Could I create a generic vertical scrolling StackPanel/LinearLayout?

 public static IEnumerable<FluentLayout> 
          this UIView parentView, 
          Margins margins,
          params UIView[] views)
     margins = margins ?? new Margins();
     UIView previous = null;
     foreach (var view in views)
        yield return view.Left()
        yield return view.Width()
                         .Minus(margins.Right + margins.Left);
        if (previous != null)
           yield return view.Top()
           yield return view.Top()
        previous = view;
     if (parentView is UIScrollView)
        yield return previous.Bottom()


One key thing to note about these constraint-based UIs is that they are adaptive - e.g. when you rotate the phone then the layout adapts:


The code

The code I created is currently sitting in - along with a test MvvmCross project (one level up).

It may later move into an MvvmCross plugin - or into core MvvmCross - but for now it's just sitting there in Tutorials. License is Ms-PL as per normal.

A video demo - laying out a tipcalc view


With all this said and done, whether or not you prefer declarative or Imperative UI code is very much a matter of taste... but one question that I'm wondering at the moment is whether I could use the same UI code to create layouts in different environments - whether the same `AtTopOf`, `ToLeftOf` type calls could be used to generate UIKit, Xaml or Axml... but that question will have to wait for another day....

Friday, July 19, 2013

Nuget, Async, PCL links

As some of you know, I'm a dinosaur.

Because of this, there isn't much coverage here of the new nuget, async and PCL toys in the very latest Xamarin Alpha and Beta releases.

If you are hungry for some nuget, async and PCL fixes, then please try:

It's looking awesome - the portable packageable async future has arrived :)

If you think, I've missed a link.... then let me know and I'll add it :)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

N=36 - A Rio Binding Carnival :)

Today's N+1 follows on from the previous Tibet video - N=35 - which was all about Views and multibinding.

Rio Binding today is all about ViewModels.

Rio is an attempt to experiment with different types of ViewModel. In particular to:

  • use 
    • fields
    • methods 

  • instead of
    • properties
    • commands.

Using the FieldBinding and MethodBinding plugins from Rio, a view model can look like:

public class FirstViewModel
: MvxViewModel
public readonly INC<string> FirstName = new NC<string>("");
public readonly INC<string> LastName = new NC<string>("");
public readonly INC<TitleResponse> Title = new NC<TitleResponse>();
public readonly INC<bool> Accepted = new NC<bool>();
public readonly ObservableCollection<Person> People = new ObservableCollection<Person>();
public readonly List<TitleResponse> Titles = new List<TitleResponse>()
public void Add()
if (!Accepted.Value)
People.Add(new Person()
FirstName = FirstName.Value,
LastName = LastName.Value,
Title = Title.Value
Title.Value = TitleResponse.None;
FirstName.Value = "";
LastName.Value = "";
Accepted.Value = false;
view raw Rio.cs hosted with ❤ by GitHub

instead of an old-skool-INotifyPropertyChanged ViewModel like:

public class FirstViewModel
: MvxViewModel
private string _firstName;
public string FirstName
get { return _firstName; }
set { _firstName = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => FirstName); }
private string _lastName;
public string LastName
get { return _lastName; }
set { _lastName = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => LastName); }
private List<TitleResponse> _titles = new List<TitleResponse>()
public List<TitleResponse> Titles
return _titles;
private TitleResponse _title;
public TitleResponse Title
get { return _title; }
set { _title = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => Title); }
private bool _accepted;
public bool Accepted
get { return _accepted; }
set { _accepted = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => Accepted); }
public ICommand AddCommand
return new MvxCommand(() =>
if (!Accepted)
People.Add(new Person()
FirstName = FirstName,
LastName = LastName,
Title = Title
Title = TitleResponse.None;
FirstName = "";
LastName = "";
Accepted = false;
private ObservableCollection<Person> _people = new ObservableCollection<Person>();
public ObservableCollection<Person> People
get { return _people; }
set { _people = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => People); }
view raw PreRio.cs hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Rio is an attempt to start a conversation.:

  • Which ViewModel style do you prefer? 
  • Why? 
  • What else could be tried?
  • How could anyone do better?

Please note that no-one is saying that Rio field- and method-binding is better than the established property and command binding. All it does for now is to offer some new alternatives. Always think about your code and always choose the tools and techniques which suit you, your team and your app best - the app is king!

The source for today's video is at:

A full N+1 index is available on:

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

If you are doing Android Mvvm and you've not looked at a ViewPager...

You *need* to watch:

Then read about it at:

N=35 - MultiBinding with Tibet - N+1 Videos of MvvmCross

Fresh from the heat and Summer-sunshine of London, today's N+1 introduces the new 'Tibet' binding engine.

This binding engine is built on top of the old 'Swiss' engine - so should be fully backwards compatible.

In addition to all the awesome syntax you had in Swiss, you can now take advantage of:
  • Multi-binding
  • Simple combination operators
  • The `Format` combination operator
  • The `If` combination operator
  • Recursive nesting of combinations and of value conversions
  • Function-style invocation of value converters

There's some good documentation on Tibet binding being authored over on

This includes examples like:

   Value Format('Hello {1} - today is {0:ddd MMM yyyy}', TheDate, Name)


   Text Length(Trim(FirstName + ' ' + LastName))

Tibet has proven quite a hard topic for me to introduce... but I've had a go in this intro video:

The code for the video is at:

For a full N+1 index, see:

Friday, July 12, 2013

Badges.... Who have I missed?

Badges.... Who have I missed?

I love seeing MvvmCross improve - and the badges are a small attempt to say 'thank you' and to recognise all of the fab community contributions.

Here are all the winners so far this year - I try to include this slide in all my talks - I really can't say 'thank you' enough!

However... I'm working hard at present - working with some amazing customers across 4 continents and across far too many timezones! So I may have missed some contributions that I probably shouldn't have...

Who have I missed? 

Let me know! Nominate someone for a badge... and they *might* get one ;)

Splat awesomeness

Since April 2012 MvvmCross has been pushing PCLs forwards as a key part of the future of mobile development.

As part of this, we've produced our own plugins for things like image loading and our own abstractions for things like Colo(u)r.

One new project that's recently started is the splat project - see

This project aims to provide more cross-platform portable low-level abstractions - like Color, Point, Rect, etc - and to provide some higher-level utilities too - like Image loading from resources.

This type of thing is obviously really useful to anyone creating PCL-based apps - so it should be really useful to anyone using, extending or building MvvmCross...

Paul Betts - this is awesome - welcome to the dystopian PCL future - a badge of portable awesomeness - thanks!

Also... while you are checking out Splat, be sure to also check out ReactiveUI too - STAR THEM BOTH TODAY!

Persistently awesome - Ninja Sudbury

As badges of awesomeness go, this is a first... this one's awarded for **persistent awesomeness**

As some of you may have already seen, the MvvmCross Ninja plugin for Visual Studio just keeps getting better.

This is all down to one person - @asudbury - he keeps churning out more and more features, fixing bugs and tracking the main project releases to make sure the Ninja is up to date.

This was particularly helpful to me as I prepared for my hour session at NDC, and for my 30 minute session at BCS Scotland. When you've only got 30 minutes for a talk and demo, it's brilliant to have a tool that generates a core project, a test project and all the UIs for Windows WPF, WIndows Store, Windows Phone, Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.Mac - all inside 45 seconds!

Adrian - sometimes known as Scorchio - Awesome Badge #3 - thanks!

"put all the pieces together" - awesome from @PeterSvitz

One of the key objectives for MvvmCross v3 was to make 'Getting Started' easier.

We've made quite a lot of progress on this - especially through Nuget, through some initial documents and through community contributions like the Ninja coder for MvvmCross

However, there's still some setup barriers - especially while we're still ironing out the official integration with PCLs for Xamarin (although there is really great progress on that currently!)

Because of this, community posts which help people with setup knowledge are really very important - and one such setup guide is @PeterSvitz's guide at

Completely awesome work - thanks @PeterSvitz - awesome :)

UISearchBar binding - thanks mverm!

Lots of MvvmCross UI bindings 'just work' - when your control has a property called XYZ and an EventHandler event called XYZChanged then MvvmCross just automatically binds to the property-and-event pair.

However, for less conventional controls - e.g. for controls which usse EventHandler or for controls with custom get/set method APIs - then MvvmCross needs custom bindings.

One such control is the iOS UISearchBar - and one user, mverm, noticed this, created a binding for their app, then contributed that binding back to the community.

This is awesome - thanks - very, very happy to award a badge for this contribution - thanks!

@robfe - awesome bug hunter

It's not often that a single person gets two badges of awesomeness inside a few days...

But recently, @robfe logged and fixed a huge and very important fix in the MvvmCross Sqlite plugin - spotting that in some circumstances our interface implementation caused Linq2Sqlite to revert to Linq2Objects

This is a really important fix... and it's awesome and so @robfe earns a second badge, plus is promoted into the MvvmCross hall of bughunters!

Full credit for original bug hunter image to - and thanks for letting me post it :)

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Dialog Awesomenessssssssssssss!

Within the MvvmCross repo, we've got a specialist fork of MonoTouch.Dialog, MonoDroid.Dialog and we've got our own default UI code - AutoViews.

Recently this code has been receiving lots of love, attention, skill and dedication from 2 individuals: @hhubschle and csteeg

Among the fixes and improvements, we've had:

  • increments in Time and Date pickers on both Touch and Droid
  • increments in edit text controls
  • test apps in DialogExamples and AutoViewExamples
  • vastly improved AutoView creation
  • lots of action in other controls too - e.g. in Achievements/Badges

All of this is brilliantly awesome - it's fab to see this Dialog code getting new functionality and fixes - completely awesome and totally deserving of two badges of awesomeness - thanks for the contributions guys:

Awesome Talbott-Gaga in Boston

In the middle of June, I got this tweet:

I followed up and discovered this talk that @talbott had given to the Boston developers.

Original Link

It's completely awesome - 100% awesome - so very happy to award @talbott a Gaga-badge of awesomeness.

Les vidéos super-impressionnant - @odenaxos

Last year, MvvmCross got some awesome input from Olivier in France - he published some long, detailed and awesome posts on how to use Mvvm cross-platform and how to reuse an existing Silverlight app in the new platforms and how to use MvvmCross vNext IoC.

The excellent news is... in the last few weeks, @odenaxos has returned - he's back with some new articles and screencasts about v3.

Check these out in:

As someone who's made a few videos recently, I can really recognise the time and attention that @odenaxos has put into these - he's taken real care to provide some high-quality, well-edited, nicely-crafted tutorials - they are awesome!

Olivier - merci - voila un badge d'awesomeness!

Xamarin 2.0 activation sucks

I love the Xamarin 2.0 improvements that arrived this year.

I now sit there on my PC and deploy to 5 operating systems and to websites from a single solution.

It's fabulous!


I've had a lot of problems with Xamarin activation during the last 6 months. To put it bluntly, it's flakey and it's cost me weeks of wasted time.

It seems to randomly decide that I need to reactivate my software - at which point it refuses to work until it can connect to some bit of Xamarin's servers... and even then it often fails...

For example, this morning on the train I was trying to do some work...

Only, up came this window...

But I'm on the train... and I can't get on the Internet...

So I have to hit cancel...

... so Xamarin simply says "No, you can't work now" - it won't even let me open the project.

... which gives me the rest of the train journey to draft this blog post...

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Jason@Aviva and Jake@Aviva - Driven to Awesomeness

In early 2012, Jason, a developer at Aviva asked the infamous 'Hindsight' question about MvvmCross on StackOverflow -

Armed with this hindsight, he and his team went on to ship the awesome 'Aviva Drive' app - a driving app which attempts to work out, share and benefit from how good a driver you are:

In this last month, this app has been featured in the TechEd Europe keynote:

Aviva Drive - Case Study from Dare on Vimeo.

...and beyond that, two of the Aviva Drive team - Jason and Jake - have also presented a workshop on MvvmCross coding at the new @ModDevCon conference in Norfolk.

This is really, really, really awesome - and earns Jason and Jake an excellent canary yellow badge of awesomeness each:

Awesome clean ViewModels via Fody

Sometimes ViewModels can be a bit verbose... e.g. sometimes achieving a simple FirstName and LastName combination can require:

public class FirstViewModel
: MvxViewModel
private string _firstName;
public string FirstName
get { return _firstName; }
set { _firstName = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => FirstName); RaisePropertyChanged(() => FullName); }
private string _lastName;
public string LastName
get { return _lastName; }
set { _lastName = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => LastName); RaisePropertyChanged(() => FullName); }
public string FullName
get { return string.Format("{0} {1}", _firstName, _lastName); }

Because of this, sometimes some of us find ourselves thinking wouldn't it be nice if our ViewModels were thinner - e.g. a bit more like:

public class FirstViewModel
: MvxViewModel
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public string FullName
get { return string.Format("{0} {1}", FirstName, LastName); }

Well, @TwinGuille didn't just think this - he went off and coded it!

Using the tools from @SimonCropp's excellent Fody - - @TwinGuille posted an awesome blog post on how to achieve thinner, slimmer, easier-to-code, easier-to-understand ViewModels.

This is 100% awesome - check it out at - well deserving of a badge of awesomeness.

Reactive Awesomeness from @Robfe

Many of us write our code around our data...

Reactive coders instead centre their coding on their data flows.

In the increasingly async coding environment in which we all work, this is a really interesting way forwards - it's probably the way most of us should be thinking.

One problem, however, was that the Reactive libraries themselves require the new style PCLs - like those in Profile78 - so they didn't work that well with the existing MvvmCross codebase which uses Profile104.

Rob Fonseca-Ensor - @robfe - tackled this problem head-on - he ported Rx back to 104 and then shipped this source back to the community -

This shift from System.Reactive -> PortableRx.Reactive is truely awesome. I really look forwards to using it.

It's a huge pleasure to hand out a big reactive badge of awesomeness to @robfe :

One more note - if you are interested in Reactive coding, then another interesting project to track is ReactiveUI - - which is also shifting towards PCLs :)

Juan and Gitte - just keep on talking - badge-worthy awesomeness!

Regular blog readers will already have heard plenty about Juan and Gitte.

Gitte from Belgium has already talked about MvvmCross several times - including at the MSTechDays ( and at our London Mvvm days (

Juan from Tenerife has talked about us in several places and has also posted some awesome articles on using MvvmCross with F# -

In the last month, both Gitte and Juan have been talking again!

And this time their audiences have included:

- Gitte at COMDayBE

- Juan in a Microsoft Spain Webinar -

It's awesome to have these guys out there talking about cross platform Mvvm - and it's even more awesome that they've posted such fab slides and samples to accompany the talks!

It's a pleasure to award 2 new awesome badges for 2 awesome talkers - both of whom now hit 3 badges:

Navigating by fragments - An Awesome tutorial

MvvmCross was perhaps a bit late to the fragment game - but with v3 we introduced full SupportFragmentManager library support and got them up and running with samples like:


However, one are these samples don't cover is how to use fragments in a generic way for navigation within MvvmCross' ShowViewModel mechanisms.

Take the stage @opcode - with an awesome blog post and sample code on how to do exactly that.

If you're using fagments and want to navigate by them, then check out:

100% awesome and very well deserving of a badge - awesome!

Intercepting RaisePropertyChanged - Intercepting Awesome

In the last month, we've seen a few attempts at extending MvvmCross within ViewModels so that users can write more sophisticated, less verbose and more intelligent ViewModels.

From the project side, this has included the addition of the IMvxInpcInterceptor - see

From the community, one of the most interesting projects I've seen is

This project:

  • provides automated hooks to raise dependent property change notifications (so that FullName gets triggered whenever FirstName or LastName change)
  • provides attributes for callback methods within ViewModels so that the ViewModel can execute code when
  • extends all of this to child collections as well as to 'normal' properties
  • comes with a full set of samples and a full readme too

This really is an awesome set of ideas - and to see it coded and shared as open source is superb.

Mvvm within C# is already a great tool for app development, but there's a lot of room for all of to grow, to learn and to evolve - and projects like PropertyChangedEventPropagation are most definitely part of the future.

zleao - awesome - big badge of awesomeness very happily awarded!

Awesome Sliding Menus - from Big Frank and the BoneCrusher!

In the last year, 'hamburger menus' have become increasingly popular in apps - so much so, that they are now even included as a standard Android feature in the Navigation Drawer.

Within Xamarin.iOS, @jtclancey led the way - especially with his gmusic-tried-and-tested

Within MvvmCross, we've seen a couple of users post modifications to @jtclancey's code including

- paired with

I got to use this second one recently in a client project - and it is awesome - it slid straight in as an MvvmCross presenter, it gave me a view model for each panel, and it was easy to extend so that child controllers caused main-panel rather than whole page navigations.

For this awesomeness, PatboneCrusher and Big Frank get a badge - no idea how it'll be divided between the two of them, but thanks guys - awesome!

Monday, July 08, 2013

N=34 - Showing a Progress 'IsBusy' display - N+1 days of MvvmCross

Today we show how to quickly add a 'progress dialog' display to Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.iOS and to Windows Phone.

This should have been quite a quick demo today... but unfortunately some gremlins in the Xamarin Component Store this much slower. Sorry about that. The component I eventually downloaded was

The video for N=34 is:

The code is at:

For a complete N+1 index, see:

N=33 - Animating Data-Bound Text Changes - N+1 Videos of MvvmCross

Today I just show how to change your UI controls so that they can animate when their values change.

The animations I use are pretty basic:

  • On Android:

var animationFadeOut = new AlphaAnimation(1.0f, 0.0f);
animationFadeOut.Duration = 200;
animationFadeOut.AnimationEnd += (sender, args) =>
base.Text = value;
var animationFadeIn = new AlphaAnimation(0.0f, 1.0f);
animationFadeIn.Duration = 200;
this.Animation = animationFadeIn;
this.Animation = animationFadeOut;
view raw Android.cs hosted with ❤ by GitHub

  • On iOS:

() =>
Alpha = 0;
() =>
Text = value;
() =>
Alpha = 1.0f;
view raw iOS.cs hosted with ❤ by GitHub

  • On Windows:

var animation = new DoubleAnimation();
animation.From = 1;
animation.To = 0;
animation.Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200));
animation.Completed += (sender, args) =>
control.TheTextBlock.Text = newText;
var fadeInAnimation = new DoubleAnimation();
fadeInAnimation.From = 0.0;
fadeInAnimation.To = 1.0;
fadeInAnimation.Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200));
Storyboard.SetTarget(fadeInAnimation, control);
Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(fadeInAnimation, new PropertyPath("Opacity"));
var storyboard2 = new Storyboard();
Storyboard.SetTarget(animation, control);
Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(animation, new PropertyPath("Opacity"));
var storyboard = new Storyboard();
view raw Windows.cs hosted with ❤ by GitHub

The video:

The source is available on:

For a full and lovely index of N+1, see:

Thursday, July 04, 2013

MvvmCross - WP7 tombstoned

Microsoft have recently announced Visual Studio 2013. As part of this announcement it appears that WP7 has now fully been tombstoned - any WP7 project loaded into VS2013 will be converted to WP8 - and you will not be able to deploy it back to a WP7 device.

Further, the brilliant work that Microsoft and Xamarin are doing together for cross-platform Portable Class Library functionality will be based on the VS2013 reference assemblies - and these will not include the older WP7 compatible profiles like 104.

Because of this, I'm sorry to say that MvvmCross will very soon be dropping support for WP7.

In the period of the next 1 to 3 months:
  • all MvvmCross Portable Class Libraries will shift to Profile 78
  • only WP8 and later will be supported by MvvmCross

I appreciate that many MvvmCross users and many of my customers have been great supporters of WP7, and I also appreciate that 50% of currently active WP phones are 'stuck' on WP7.

However, I'm afraid that it's simply no longer possible to support WP7 given the death of tooling support in PCLs and Visual Studio.

I hope this isn't too big a problem for anyone - I will branch the code so that a WP7 archive exists, but beyond this, we will look forwards to a bright, portable future with WP8 and beyond.

Async, PCL and Xamarin Android video!

If you are missing N+1 this week....

Then check out this video on Async, PCL and Xamarin

There's also a blog post on this - see

Monday, July 01, 2013

Nuget beta version available...

There's a new nuget beta version I've just uploaded.

It's available as 3.0.9-beta - so will only be shown if you have the prerelease flag set.

It's a bit hard to explain what's in this beta version right now - I'm away from the home office again this week...

The big new things are that there are a couple of new packages which enable binding to methods and to fields... so right now I'm looking at a ViewModel which looks like:

public class Person
public INC<string> FirstName = new NC<string>("Fred");
public INC<string> LastName= new NC<string>("Flintstone");
public class FirstViewModel
: MvxViewModel
public INC<string> Updating = new NC<string>("Laugh");
public INC<Person> Child = new NC<Person>(new Person());
public void Go()
Updating.Value = "Whippy";
var person = new Person();
person.FirstName.Value = "James";
person.LastName.Value = "Bob";
Child.Value = person;
view raw inline.cs hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Within a Droid  UI this can be bound to as:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ScrollView xmlns:android=""
local:MvxBind="Text Updating"
local:MvxBind="Text Updating"
local:MvxBind="Text Child.FirstName"
local:MvxBind="Text Child.FirstName"
local:MvxBind="Text Child.LastName"
local:MvxBind="Text Child.LastName"
local:MvxBind="Click Go"
view raw droid.xml hosted with ❤ by GitHub

I will be back with more info 'soon'... just working too hard!

Have fun out there :)