Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Hot Tuna Training and Hacking - who's interested?

I'm currently trying to set up a day in London early this Summer for some Hot Tuna learning and hacking.

I've not got a solid date for this yet, nor any fixed idea on what the format should be

Also I'm not really too sure how many people might actually want to attend.

To collect some kind of feedback on this... I thought I'd ask a few questions.

If we organised:
  • a *free* weekday one day event in central London 
  • during May 
  • targeted at Mvvm Cross-Platform development 
  • including talks/demos about C# on all of Win8, WP8, Android and iOS
  • including some talks and some hands-on code
then who might be interested?

Tweet me, email me, or comment on here to let me know if you would be interested.

Also... would it make you more or less interested:
  • if we switched it to a weekend day?
  • if we opened it up to non-Mvvm coding?
  • if we opened it up to MonoGame coding?
  • if we made it include more hands-on coding time?
  • if we made it include more formal talks?
  • if we charged a small amount to cover food and drink?
Interested to hear your thoughts.


  1. Yes I am interested. Weekends work best. No problem paying for relevant expenses. Anything related to MvvmCross will be useful for me.

  2. Can you make it down to Auckland? Nice and sunny down here at the mo.

  3. Alas, wouldn't be able to do a daytime course (weekday or weekend) but would be interested in a series of evening meet ups.

  4. Alas, wouldn't be able to do a daytime course (weekday or weekend) but would be interested in a series of evening meet ups.

  5. Depending on the date, but why not a mini-trip to London?

  6. Surely it would be great! I'm from Italy and i would definetely get on a plane to come, weekend or weekday...also, i've never been in london before...kill two birds with one stone =)
